To submit items to the GSA Weekly Announcement emails, please access the google form below.
Submit a GSA Weekly Announcement
Please see Rice University's Off-Campus Housing Search for information about leasing/renting and finding a roommate.
Haven't created an Google account?
If you have never used your Google account (which is provided to all Rice students), then please go to this page to set your password for your Google apps account. Then see the following for more information on accessing the Google form.
Error? Ensure that your Google account is the default before clicking the link to the Google form
When clicking the link to the form for submitting a GSA Weekly Announcement, you may encounter an error. If you do, then you need to ensure that your Google account is set to be the default before clicking the link.
In order to do this, please follow these instructions:
- Navigate to
- Click the circle in the top right

3. You will see a list of accounts. If you see your Google account, then select that and sign in to it, then click the link to the GSA Announcements. If you do not see your Google account, select add another account and sign in to your Google account, then click the link to the GSA Announcements.
Please email gsa[@] if you have any issues.