Resources | Funding

The GSA provides funding to student organizations for various activities that benefit the graduate student body. If you'd like to read all the questions first, please view the GSA Funding Application Prep Sheet.

Apply for grants using this application form!

Apply for loans with the GSA Loan Form!

**Please note that grant applications are due the first of the month *preceding* the event.**

**Please note that the funding application can be found on the GSA page on OwlNest and that you need to be a member of GSA on OwlNest to see the application**

*Spring 2025 semester only with a faster turnaround* Apply for a sustainability pilot grant using this application form!

Large-Scale Organizational Grants

Programming Partnership Fund (PPF)

The PPF is a portion of the annual GSA budget set aside every year for graduate student groups to apply to, in order to fund large-scale events for the entire graduate community that enrich the graduate student experience. PPF funding is broken up evenly across five deadlines throughout the year (Feb-1, May-1, Aug-1, Oct-1, Dec-1). At each deadline, $5000 is available to be distributed amongst all approved PPF applications. All PPF event applications must be submitted at least one month before the planned event date, applicants must submit by a deadline that falls at least one month prior to the planned event date. eg. By May-1 if your event is on Aug 15. For questions, contact the current VP of Finance at

PPF Guidelines

Student Activities/President’s Programming (SAPP) Fund

The Student Activities/President’s Programming (SAPP) Fund is designed to provide financial support for student clubs and their events on campus. All registered student clubs are obligated to follow Rice University policies and procedures for the utilization of SAPP Funding. 

SAPP Guidelines and Deadlines

Organizational Grants

GSA Enrichment Grant

The GSA Enrichment Grant sponsors broad-based educational, cultural, or service projects proposed by members of the Rice University community. Funded events or projects must be open for all graduate student participation. Enrichment Grants do not exceed one thousand dollars ($1000) per funding award. Deadlines are 11:59PM on the 1st of every month. The Grants Committee reviews Enrichment Grant applications on a monthly basis. For questions, contact the Grants Director.

GSA Enrichment Grant Procedures and Reimbursement Guidelines

Graduate Student Activity Grant

The Graduate Student Activity Grant (GSAG) will provide supplementary funding for broad-based educational, cultural, service projects, or social events that may not be able to accommodate all graduate students. The individual or group organizing the event may apply. The GSAG will not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per award (one award per event). Each individual/group is limited to one award per semester. The Grants Committee reviews GSAG applications on a monthly basis. Deadlines are 11:59PM on the 1st of every month. For questions, contact the Grants Director.

Graduate Student Activity Grant Procedures and Reimbursement Guidelines

GSA Community Service Funding

The GSA has allocated funds to provide organizations/students with ideas for service activities. All Rice graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty, staff and campus organization may submit proposals for funding. To receive funding, events must be open to participation by graduate students.  The maximum value of any award will be five hundred dollars ($500) and the number of awards will be left to the discretion of the Community Service Committee. Please contact the Community Service Director if you would like more information.

Professional Development Grant

The purpose of the professional development grant is to improve and expand the professional development opportunities available to graduate students at Rice. Deadlines are 11:59PM on the 1st of every month. The Grants Committee reviews Professional Development Grant applications on a monthly basis. Please note that this funding is meant for the organizing of professional development opportunities for multiple Rice student participants.


Travel Grants

REA Grants

The Rice Engineering Alumni (REA) is dedicated to providing support to students in the George R. Brown School of Engineering. The REA has established monetary awards/grants for travel related to research presentations and for projects/activities/initiatives that are independent of class work. The specific awards information can be found in the REA Grants website under the headers "Student Project Grant Program" and "Graduate Student Travel Grant Program."


GSA Loan Funds

Car break down? Payroll mix-up? Living on mac and cheese this month? The GSA Loan Fund is here for you in your time of need! This loan service operated by the Graduate Student Association can make a short term loan to any (Rice) graduate student, provided that student is currently registered (and does not already have a GSA loan). Any such qualified graduate student can borrow up to $500; the total fee is only 2%. A loan may have no more than a 90 day repayment term, and GSA retains the right to create extra paperwork by placing your academic record on hold (prevents graduation, registration, transcripts, etc.) and reporting you to the credit bureau–so please pay your loan on time.

GSA Loan Instructions

For more information, please contact the current VP of Finance at

Mosely/Adams Graduate Student Loan Fund

The Mosely/Adams Graduate Student Loan Fund is administered by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and provides loans of up to $2,000. See the Mosely/Adams Graduate Student Loan Fund for full details on how to apply.